Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Thought

For a long time I have intended to "get serious" about my occult practices or my personal craft if you will and haven't done it. A friend once said to me that witchcraft is about power. In order to seek power one must have will. In order to know your will you must know yourself. So tonight, I endeavor to know myself. I'll let you know how it works out.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wow, so far off track...

My schedule has me scrambling to get my magikal feet back under me. This whole new dad thing has taken a toll on the schedule. Anyway, no more excuses, but I'm starting back from the ground up with some meditation work. That's always where the rubber meets the road for me anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to post something a little more useful soon.

While I've found that I can still do energy work distracted and low on practice, I can say from experience that not having time to metaphysically recharge and refocus it does seem to take the mustard off my work (spells).

I never have gotten comfortable with magik and witch, etc. as terminology. It seems so namby pamby. I guess I could accurately say I am a witch that casts spells, but then I immediately get this mental picture of prancing around a tree in a purple robe. An occultist doing energy work sounds so much more dignified. Damn google videos. Nothing against folks who prefer the whole gay pride/Halloween look. Just not for me I guess.

Anyway, I digress. Just wanted to reiterate the importance of simple things like charging and cleansing aura and chakras, cleansing meditations, and other simple meditations. Also important, finding ways to stay motivated. This is one of my biggest struggles. I've found what often works are simple things. Find a decent book on witchcraft or etc. even a basic one and read for five minutes before you go to sleep. That's what I had to start doing anyway. Also reminding yourself of successes and meaningful encounters. Sometime reminding yourself of those "holy crap" moments helps you remember that yes though some of this shit sounds crazy its real. Also, In my own experience I notice that I start shutting out metaphysical practice when there are personal issues I'm not dealing with. Food for thought. Assuming anyone actually reads this...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Or maybe not...

Taking a break from blogging since I haven't been making the time for my own metaphysical practice lately. Since I'm a big believer in practicing what you preach I'll wait until I'm back in the swing of things to continue posting. Alas, my thousands of acolytes must wait patiently. (hah).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Power Games Pt 2: Auric Manipulation

Today I'm going to be drawing a picture, if you will, of my own personal technique when it comes to using one's auric awareness to draw in power or energy. Generally speaking when starting out I would recommend getting in a comfortable position for meditation, ie lotus, lazy boy, or what have you.

Now there are several methods I have heard of and used to get into a meditative state. I am going to briefly explain the three that I am most familiar with though I am in no way claiming creative license or ownership of them. The first is to simply 'count down' into a meditative state. This involves sitting down, relaxing, and counting down from a specified number into a meditative state. I personally don't believe there is any one magic number you need to start at here. I would suggest however that the number means something to you.

The second is to begin by simply envisioning yourself somewhere else. Close your eyes and build you own sacred space. Maybe its a grove of trees, a mountain, a ceremonial room, or maybe its a bowling alley. Whatever works for you. The important thing is not where you go but rather what you do. Once you've gotten yourself collected and focused fix your mind on you aura. Hold it there. Feel it. Not metaphorically, really feel it. I can't tell you what it will feel like for you to me its like a magnetic push, or pull occasionally.

The third technique is to simply sit down and clear your mind of everything except your physical body. Once you've focused on your physical body move outward towards your aura. Use your hands to feel where its at. Know and accept it is there.

Now, finally for drawing energy in. Generally once I am focused enough to feel where the layers of my aura are I will hold my hands in front of me in between my second and third layer. I recommend doing the same because it will keep you from confusing energy you are drawing in with the sensation emanated by the layers of your aura.

Now that your all set, visualize power pouring into your hands. If needed, you can repeat a phrase or a mantra. You can visualize a color, or a medium like water, or an emotion, use your imagination. Focus on it building and solidifying until you can feel it in your hands. Now, just to be safe I would recommend defusing it if you don't have a specific purpose for all of the energy your building up. You can visualize pushing it into the ground, dusting it off of your hands like dirt, absorbing back into yourself or whatever you like. Congrats you've done it!

Hope this helps, if it works for you let me know. If it doesn't, go find a better teacher. I would suggest my friends at (Hope you guys don't mind the plug!) Or find your own way.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Power Games Pt 1: Aura Awareness

When I first became interested in the occult, don't let me fool you I'm still not long in the saddle by any means, I found the complexity of most magical systems striking and more than a little intimidating. Being in the military and married I don't generally have the time or energy to commit hundreds (certainly not thousands) of pages of information to memory. I would imagine I am not alone in this.

In the hope that I may help someone in a similar position or with a similar disposition as mine, and at the urging of a friend and teacher I offer a brief account of my method and experience. Early on I started out buying up books on modern witchcraft and Wicca. I was personally drawn to some of the "energy exercises" in some of the books. These included putting yourself into a meditative state and familiarizing yourself with your aura.

There are many books and articles written about the auric body so I won't cover it in detail here. I will say that as I started my meditations it didn't take long to be able to actually feel three layers of my aura with my hands. Luckily enough my wife and I stumbled onto an exceptional occult science class given in a nearby town where I received more instruction and advice on chakras and auras. It was during one of these classes that I first saw an aura.

It was also during these classes that I first learned that in some cultures there is a belief that there are seven layers to the aura. I soon discovered during my meditations that if I simply extended my arms out farther I could actually feel more than three layers. Generally I find I have seven distinct layers of aura that respond to mood, music, will, and so on.

I have also found my aura to vary in intensity (both tactile and visual) according to moon phases. Not only can the sensation of "feeling" my aura become stronger and weaker it also changes in its nature. Generally it has the feeling of radiating energy outwards almost like a magnetic push. However, I find when I would pay special attention to the moon phases, it occasionally feels like it is pulling in like a vacuum.

More importantly I found that through concentrating I can manipulate the intensity and structure of my aura through concentration and visualization techniques. As this would become the cornerstone of my growth as an occultist I will cover the details of some of these techniques in my next blog.